RM Hard Hose
Agline has partnered with Italian company RM to offer you this quality range of hard hose travelling irrigators. Agline is focused on offering our valued clients quality hard hose machines with a focus on reliability.
We sell two types of hose reel irrigators, the standard type GX range or the squat type XJ range which adds enhanced stability on hills or extra-long runs.
Custom machines are available with specific hose requirements and many other customisable features.
GX Range
“The RM’s help us a lot especially now we own three of them. We can run so much more stock as we are irrigating so much more compared to what we did before we had them. So a very good investment!”
Why choose Agline’s RM?
Experience enhanced energy efficiency due to the innovative Turbo-Reducer design. The design of the turbine impeller is the result of a cutting edge calculation allowing channelled flow of water without turbulence thus allowing operation at lower pressure.
Swivelling turret structure with oversize telescopic legs to ensure stability.
Medium density Polyethylene pipe for low friction losses
Constructed with the minimum amount of bends to reduce friction loss throughout the machine.
Constructed without filters enabling waste water or effluent to be irrigated with minimum loss of pressure
Automatic stopping at the end of run independent of water passage allows irrigation to continue for a prescribed time period.
Automatic speed adjustment for a constant winding in speed.
Simple to use electronic controllers with optional remote control and monitoring functionality
All RM machines are thoroughly factory tested by the manufacturer prior to shipping