Tasmanian Irrigation announced the Sassafras Wesley Vale Irrigation Scheme Argumentation Preferred Option Design on the 17th of November. The Preferred Option Design comes with a price tag of $62.75 and will more than double the capacity of the Sassafras Wesley Vale Irrigation Scheme (SWIS). The current scheme, constructed in 2012, has a capacity of 5,660 megaliters, the argumentation will deliver a total of 13,686 megaliters to the region.
The additional access to water in the region will allow farmers to plant additional hectares of high-value vegetables, expand their operations, diversify and employ more workers. The construction of this scheme is expected to be a boon for the already thriving agricultural industry in Northwest Tasmania.
The argumentation follows similar design to the existing scheme. Water is sourced from the Mersey River at the updated Great Bend pump station, with backup supply from the Parangana Dam. The upgrade will include the construction of four additional boost pump stations, the install 92km of new and refurbished pipeline, the construction of a replacement two-megaliter reservoir and the replacement of 70 property outlets. The scheme will deliver an average annual reliability of 95% over the expected 100-year lifetime of the scheme for farmers in the Sassafras, Harford, Thirlstane, Moriarty, Wesley Vale, Northdown, Pardoe and East Devonport areas of North West Tasmania.
Sassafras Wesley Vale Irrigation Scheme Argumentation Preferred Option Design Map
The scheme is funded by a mix of public and private funds. The Tasmanian Government has committed $18,34 million to the scheme, the Australian Government $30.57 million and landowners $13.81 million. Making up a total of $62.72 million committed to the construction of the project that will create an estimated 120 jobs and underpin $28.3 million in on-farm investment.
The Sassafras Wesley Vale Irrigation Scheme Augmentation is expected to commence construction in October 2023 and the first full irrigation season is expected to be in 2025/26. Water sales will open in 2022.
How do I purchase water entitlements?
Water entitlements from the Sassafras Wesley Vale Irrigation Scheme Argumentation will be available for purchase from the 31st of January 2022 from Tasmanian Irrigation.
Tasmanian Irrigation has released the initial purchase price which is $1720/ML with a minimum purchase of 20ML per property. When you apply to purchase water you will be required to pay a non-refundable 10% deposit. This will be made up of two amounts, 2% upon application and 8% upon government funding approval. The balance of your purchase will be payable on the commissioning of the scheme.
What if the proposed pipeline does not come past my property?
Tasmanian Irrigation is encouraging all landowners to make an application to purchase water when water sales opening 2022 even if the proposed pipeline does not come past their property. This is because the final design and pipe alignment is highly dependent on the water sales made across the region. Tasmanian Irrigation has said they will work to supply as many applicants as possible.
What will my flowrate be like?
The scheme is designed to delivery water at a constant 24-hour flow rate. For example, if you purchase 150ML, your entitlement will provide 1ML per day or 11.57L/s. Each outlet installed as part of your water entitlement will have the capacity to deliver at least 3 times your flow rate. However, this is relevant to the pipe capacity in the area. INSERT TABLES
To be able to receive water at a greater flowrate you will need:
- To be on a pipeline which can deliver water at a greater rate.
- Purchase or trade additional flowrates, or
- Enter a rostering arrangement with other irrigators within the trading zone.
What will my water pressure be like?
The minimum pressure under a water entitlement is 5mtrs head (50KPa or 7psi). Actual pressure throughout the scheme may be higher, depending on the proximity of outlets and the relative height of the outlet in the landscape. Water pressure can also be impacted by where and how much water is being taken elsewhere in the scheme.
Will there be ongoing costs?
Yes, water entitlement holders will be required to pay an annual water charge which is made up of a combination of fixed and variable charges that are levied on their water entitlement holdings and water use.
The Fixed Cost: This cost is an estimated $31.00. This is used to recover the cost of operating and maintaining the scheme.
These costs indicative only based on estimations published by Tasmanian Irrigation
An Asset Renewal Levy (ARL): Estimated to be $25.00 ARL is charged to cover the refurbishment of the infrastructure to enable the scheme to be operational for at least 100 years.
Both the fixed cost and ARL are charged on water entitlement purchased not the actual water used in the season.
These costs indicative only based on estimations published by Tasmanian Irrigation
The Variable Cost: The cost of pumping and any costs associated with purchasing from Hydro Tasmania. This is charged on the volume of water used in a season.
Annual charges such as the fixed cost and ARL are payable each season regardless of whether you use the water or not.
I am not in this area is there a scheme in my area?
The current schemes and those under development are listed below. Click on the link to see a map of the scheme.
There are currently 18 active irrigation schemes in Tasmania, these are:
- Cressy Longford
- Dial Blythe
- Duck
- Great Forester
- Greater Meander
- Kindred North Motton
- Lower South Esk
- Midlands
- North Esk
- Sassafras Wesley Vale
- Scottsdale
- South East Stage 1
- South East Stage 2
- South East Stage 3 (Sorell)
- Southern Highlands
- Swan Valley
- Upper Ringarooma
- Whitemore
- Winnaleah
Tasmanian Irrigaiton is also currently developing 10 schemes as part of Tranche Three. These include
- Don
- Fingal Valley
- Northern Midlands
- Tamar
- Sassafras Wesley Vale Argumentation
- Detention
- Flowerdale
- South East Integration Project
- Gretna
All information for this article was sourced from Tasmanian Irrigation Pty Ltd https://www.tasmanianirrigation.com.au/